Box Hill City Bands Inc.

Established 1889.

We support musicians of all ages in their desire to play band music to the best of their ability – by providing a suitable environment for them to shine.

One of the oldest banding organisations in Victoria, Box Hill City Band Inc. was founded as the Box Hill Temperance Band in the 1880s, first performing on the 24th May 1889 for the Queen Victoria birthday celebrations. In 1894, the Box Hill Temperance band came to an end and was shortly afterwards reformed as a community-based brass band.

Since 1889 Box Hill City Band has changed names with the times from the Box Hill Temperance Band, to the Reporter District Brass Band, to the Box Hill District Band. Finally in 1927, with the founding of the City of Box Hill, we became the Box Hill City Band.


For information of regarding the Box Hill City Band please contact.

BHCB Location

411 Middleborough Rd
Corner of Middleborough Rd and Davey St
Box Hill, Vic, 3128